History of the company
- 06/ 2004 Idea and/or development of knicknclean; Chemical and special plastic composition investigate
- 10/ 2004 Production of the first prototypes and patent application and first marketing actions
- 11/ 2004 Establishments of contacts with Lebensmittelinstitut in Hanover for the examination of the effectiveness
- 12/ 2004 Registration to the mark: knick´n´clean
- 06/ 2005 Granting of the mark of knick´n´clean®
- until 07/2005 Notification from the BAuA and BfR receive
- 09/2005 Completion of the appraisal of Lebensmittelinstitut in Hanover and with it connected the more intensive marketing of the product
- 03/ 2006 Registration of a trade
- 06/ 2007 Three further patents for applications announced
- 08/ 2007 1. Place with the first national bio founder competition
- 05/ 2008 Winner of the Plus X Award in the category: Innovation
- 04/2009 Winner of the German Industry Award in the category “bio-technology“
- 06/2010 Winner of the Germany “IQ innovation price“ in the cluster “food economy”
- 10/2011 Winner of the „DABEI Sonderpreis 2011“ for innovation
- 10/2013 Granting of the patent of knick´n´clean®

Dipl.-Ing. Helrik Bobke